Entrance to the water

Entrance to the water

Before each of the practices we explain how to enter the water, familiarising ourselves with the equipment to be able to paddle well and warm up the body so that once in the sea we can start the session.



An asana we performed in one of the sunset practices. The spine is stretched backwards and toned, benefiting people with slumped shoulders and a tendency to curve forward.



Ending in this posture, feeling the movement of the board as it floats on the sea induces the mind into a state of calm, destroying fatigue and decreasing mental agitation. Breathing is steady, soft, gentle and deep, bringing the body to total relaxation.



One of the most relaxing postures, being seated, resting with the back upright and legs crossed, keeping the mind attentive, grateful for the practice and connecting with the moment and the place.



Stretching the back, bringing it into a twist where the abdominal organs contract, opening the shoulders and chest, improving digestion and tension in the hips and lower back. In turn reducing anxiety and stress.

Viparita Vīrabhadrāsan

Viparita Vīrabhadrāsan

By adapting the posture to the board, keeping the core active, we obtain more balance to be able to perform it, thus stretching the upper body, strengthening legs and buttocks, increasing concentration and improving coordination, balance and body stability.

Sālamba Sarvāngāsana

Sālamba Sarvāngāsana

One of the most beneficial inverted asanas, increasing the blood supply to the neck region, acting on the thyroid and parathyroid glands and improving their functioning, as well as having a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs, releasing toxins and filling us with energy. This posture restores our lost vitality, especially if we lose our balance and fall into the water….!



In this posture the entire front part of the body is intensely stretched, strengthening the wrists and ankles, increasing the movement of the shoulder joints and fully expanding the thorax.



If you’ve never been on a board before and it’s your first time, we’ll show you the different ways to paddle and get to the point where you can practice. It won’t be an impediment if you don’t have good balance, as there are other ways to get on the paddle surf board and enjoy the activity. Although it will always be a challenge to try standing up and if you lose your balance you can cool off in the hot summer sun.